exposure: 1/10sec f/stop: 10 iso: 100
Hi everyone! At least twice every week, I get up at four in the morning to take some landscape photos. It's a lot of fun to do and even better at the beaches. It's so peaceful and quiet that I get to think and enjoy the morning air whilst taking photos. I don't think I'd ever get sick of doing this.
This was a tough photo to take because I didn't have anyone to hold the tripod in case it got knocked over by the waves. My camera was set on a tripod with a graduated neutral density filter and a neutral density filter. I pre-focused and set a self timer for ten seconds and quickly ran to the rocks to do a pose. Time was against what I initially wanted to achieve in this photo because since the sun was rising, I had to increase my shutter speed to avoid overexposing the photo. I wanted a slower exposure to capture the motion of the waves so I'm not exactly happy with it and also because it was rushed but then again I'll be going to the beach again many times to redo it.
Gear used:
- Sony a350 with Carl Zeiss 24-70mm 2.8 lens attached
- Cokin graduated neutral density filter 8
- Cokin neutral density filter 8
- tripod