Hi everyone! Today I was at an annual event called Supanova. For those that don't know, Supanova is an event where people gather to check out anything game, anime, manga, sci-fi, movie and fantasy related. People dress up in their favorite characters, shop around for costumes and other cool toys, play video games, watch the shows and more. Guests even get to meet and interact with a few stars such as Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies and James Marsters who was in Buffy and Smallville. Its a great social event and from all the costumes I've seen, it makes me want to dress up for next year. Right now, here are a few snapshots of the festival that I took. By the way, I don't even know who half of these characters are but they look pretty cool! Enjoy!
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Cosplay Show
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Spartans from the movie 300
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Kakashi from Naruto Shippuuden
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Ganondorf and Link from the Legend of Zelda (One of my favorite games on the N64)
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Stone angels being interviewed by someone on their knees. I have no idea if they're playing any characters from a show or movie but it looks pretty cool.
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I don't know what character she is supposed to be but she has a cool costume. Maybe someone can help me name with who she is supposed to be?
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Red Ranger from the Power Rangers! He did so many poses and he's a funny entertainer. If only the other rangers were there.
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Master Chief from Halo and a random guy with a pistol.
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The car in the Green Hornet movie.
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Ironman! This costume was awesome because his hand and chest light up. He grew his beard to look like Tony Stark.
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I don't know who they are supposed to be. One is a cat and the other one is some sort of baker?
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One of the droids from the Star Wars movie being chased by a girl in a cat costume.
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I don't know who these characters are but they had some awesome costumes, especially the guy with the sword.
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Deadpool dancing before he starts to strip.
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Goku in rage.
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As with some of the other costumes, I have no idea who this is supposed to be but it looks awesome.
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One of the group entrants in the Cosplay showcase.